Javascript – closingtags </>
Categories Javascript Programming TypeScript 0.3.0 📅

New feature release for!

#health #calories #macros

Javascript Programming Svelte SvelteKit TypeScript

Ignoring JSDOM Errors in Vitest

When ignoring a problem becomes such a problem itself that you can no longer ignore it

#tdd #jsdom #vitest

Categories Javascript Svelte SvelteKit 0.2.0 🥳

It’s been a long time coming but I’ve finally completed a major refactor of! See the changes for yourself at

#health #helth #nutrient #tracking #foss #js #ts

Javascript Programming Svelte SvelteKit

Mocking Svelte Stores in Vitest

Mocking #Svelte stores with #Vitest is way simpler than it has any right to be

Javascript Programming Svelte SvelteKit

JS Party podcast

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the fantastic JS Party podcast. It was great chatting with Nick and Adrienne about what goes into writing a technical book. If you’ve ever been curious about writing your own book, this episode is a must-listen!

JS Party 314: Take a look, it’s in a book – Listen on

If podcasts aren’t your thing, I’ve previously written about what the process of writing a book was like for me.

CSS HTML5 Javascript Svelte SvelteKit

Custom “Click Outside” Event with Svelte & TypeScript

Learn how to create a custom event handler for #Svelte components written in #TypeScript/#ts that listens for clicks outside of itself 🤯

Javascript Svelte SvelteKit

2023 Recap

Another busy year writing books and building apps!

HTML5 Javascript Linux PHP Programming Python

Remote Debugging Web Apps on iOS from Linux

Debugging #WebApps on #iOS is a super easy if you have a Macbook. If you’re on #Linux, it’s not. This post documents how I got around that limitation by using #OpenSource utilties and tools.

CSS HTML5 Javascript Programming SvelteKit WordPress

Accessibility for Lazy Developers

I’m lazy and you probably are too. This post talks about a few easy-to-use tools that even the laziest of developers can use to ensure their application is accessible to all.

#a11y #accessibility #automation

Javascript Programming Svelte SvelteKit

Enabling Persistent Storage in IndexedDB

Exploring how to mark #IndexedDB storage as persistent for an offline first #PWA built with #SvelteKit